Welcome to DR Swiss
Although we have only been around for a good 20 years, we are already an established player in the reinsurance industry. The reason for this is as simple as it is decisive: we share a common history with our clients.
We are a valuable partner in selected European and international markets and offer reliable non-life reinsurance cover to our partnership-orientated client base.
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Solid as a rock!
Personable, reliable and long-term. These are the defining characteristics of our business partnerships and what allow us to ensure solid and dependable collaboration. Find out more about DR Swiss here!

DR Swiss – the straightforward alternative
"Mach keis Büro uf!" That’s what we say in Switzerland when we want to take a straightforward and pragmatic approach to things. Excessive bureaucracy and endless red tape? That’s not how we do things in Zurich! Get to know us!

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Exciting jobs in the reinsurance sector
We are looking for motivated, curious people with strong communication skills, the ability to work well in a team and an overall positive mindset. DR Swiss offers a broad range of opportunities for personal development.