Deutsche Rückversicherung Switzerland Ltd.
Frank Schaar (CEO)
Achim Bosch (CUO)
Sonja Hoffmann
Pietro Lodigiani
Dr. Mirjam Meier
Dr. Stefan Ostermeier
Board of Directors:
Prof. Dr. Frank Walthes (Chairman)
Peter Rainer (Vice-Chairman)
Dr. Chérif Chentir
Dr. Andreas Jahn
Dr. Kathrin Anne Meier
Ullrich-Bernd Wolff von der Sahl
Statutory Auditors:
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Zürich
Schweizergasse 21
CH-8001 Zürich
CH-8021 Zürich
Phone: +41 44 215 76 66
E-Mail: info(at)drswiss.ch
Responsible for the website:
Andreas Meinhardt
Abteilung Kommunikation + Presse
E-Mail: info(at)deutscherueck.de
Telefon: +49 211 4554-377
Editorial and contact person:
Stephanie Embach-Stein
Communiacation and Press Department
E-Mail: presse(at)deutscherueck.de
Phone: +49 211 4554-409
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Photo credits
DR Swiss: www.gettyimages.de; Ralf Berndt Fotografie
Facts and Figures: evkaz - AdobeStok
Financial reports: billionPhotos.com - AdobeStock
Organisational structure: winnievinzence - AdobeStock
Sustainable investment strategy: korgeng - AdobeStock
Reinsurance: gubernat - AdobeStock; Ralf Berndt Fotografie
Downloads & News: Tamia Studio - AdobeStock; Valentin Mühl Fotografie; Jörg Schanze
Career: NDABCREATIVITY - AdobeStock
Imprint: SG-design - AdobeStock
Privacy policy: takasu - AdobeStock