Zürich and Düsseldorf, 7 December 2023 - The social sponsoring of DR Swiss and Deutsche Rück in the upcoming Christmas season revolves around the role of insects and their preservation.
As pollinators for 80 percent of our plants and a source of food for other animals, insects are essential to our ecosystem. Bees, ants, grasshoppers, dragonflies, beetles, butterflies - there are around one million recorded species. In total, they account for 60 percent of all existing animal species. However, factors such as environmental pollution, the cultivation of low-flowering monocultures, soil sealing and changing weather conditions are posing an increasing threat to their natural habitat. That's why we want to raise awareness amongst the youngest members of our society for the need to preserve these habitats and build new ones.
Together with the German Environmental Action Association (Verein Deutsche Umwelt-Aktion), we have been touring preschools since September an will continue to do so until spring next year. There, we want to help children understand in a playful way how important insects are for our natural environment, what they need to survive and what we can all do to help them - such as planting a wildflower meadow. We contacted around 400 preschools and all institutions interested in our campaign were able to participate.
As recognised risk specialists for natural hazards, Deutsche Rück and DR Swiss are particularly keen to regularly teach children and young people in particular about a conscious and responsible approach to the environment and natural resources.
The interest and enjoyment of the little ones in our hands-on activities remains high.