Düsseldorf, 25 November 2021 – In their now published report, the rating agency Standard & Poor’s has confirmed the “A+” rating for the Deutsche Rückversicherung Group, with the outlook unchanged at “stable”. In addition, Standard & Poor’s had already factored the impact of low-pressure system “Bernd” into its rating decision.
The rating encompasses both Deutsche Rückversicherung AG in Düsseldorf and Deutsche Rückversicherung Schweiz AG (DR Swiss) in Zurich.
Thanks to Deutsche Rück’s solid, “AAA”-level capitalisation, its effective reinsurance protection and large equalisation provisions, the rating agency does not anticipate any material negative impact on the Group’s capital and earnings.
At the same time, Standard & Poor’s once again highlighted Deutsche Rück’s strategy of expanding its international business as a driver of growth and diversification of the portfolio. Deutsche Rück recently entered the markets of the Middle East and Latin America.