Düsseldorf, 18 April 2023 – Deutsche Rück expands its board of directors: in January 2024, Caren Büning, 48, will join the management body of the reinsurer. In future, Büning will head up the newly formed division for non-life business in Germany. She is coming from reinsurance company SCOR’s Germany branch, where she currently serves as Chief Underwriting Officer P&C and is a member of the management board.
The market segments previously managed as one unit by board member Achim Bosch have been divided up by Deutsche Rück to reflect the continuing expansion of its leading position in the home market of Germany and the successful implementation of its internationalisation strategy. In future, Büning will manage the non-life division in Germany, while Bosch will oversee the international non-life division. He will also be in charge of co-ordinating activities between the two divisions.
Büning studied mathematics for business in Dortmund and initially worked in the Reserve Actuary department at Gerling Globale. In 2002 she switched to the Cologne office of Swiss reinsurer Converium, which was later acquired by SCOR. While working for SCOR Rückversicherung Deutschland, Büning assumed responsibility for the German property and casualty business, first from 2014 as Market Manager and from 2018 as CUO and became a member of the management board in 2019.
“Caren Büning is an experienced colleague who brings in-depth expertise and many years of experience in the field of German non-life reinsurance. She will help to further reinforce Deutsche Rück’s central role in the German market and to develop new areas of potential,” notes Prof. Dr Frank Walthes, supervisory board chairman at Deutsche Rück.
The same individuals comprise the boards of directors at Deutsche Rück and VöV Rück, which are both owned by the German public insurers, and from January 2024 these will be: Frank Schaar, Achim Bosch, Caren Büning and Michael Rohde.
(Photo: private)